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Sport Related Fractures Outreach!

On February 20, 2024, Cammie Waite, a senior Biomed student, lectured our Sports Medicine class on evaluating and treating sports-related fractures in the Emergency Department! A fracture is the medical terminology for a break or cracks in the bone, Fractures are the result of the application of a force that exceeds the limit to which a bone may structurally withstand. She gave the statistic that 20.6% of sport-related injuries are fractures. The types of fractures that require Emergency Intervention are open and displacement fractures, fractures involving joints, and fractures in children and elderly patients. To treat fractures, the bone must be immobilized with a splint, brace, plaster, or fiberglass cast. Surgery must be conducted to clean an open wound or place a rod to maximize healing.

After her lecture, we got to perform our casting lab! Each student in the class got the opportunity to cut off a hard cast and discuss the materials used to perform the procedure! It was very interesting to hear how the emergency department handles fractures and to hear from a senior about Biomed Interventions, a class that I may be interested in taking next year!

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