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Trauma Week Day Four!

On December 9, 2021, Two people from a water search and rescue team came and spoke to our class about their part in the drowning vicim's process. In drowning cases, most bodies eventually turn up in a matter of days. There are two water safety rules they told us and they are to always wear your lifejackets and read your throw, and never go. That saying means that you should always throw something in the water for the victim for them to pull and never go in yourself to try and save them, because that puts both people in danger. If the person is alive they will sink and if they are deceased then they will float. If the water is salt then the body will most likely float due to the sodium and the air still in the lungs. I asked if they have more than one team for search and rescue for different locations such as on land or in the water. They answered saying that where we live water and land go hand in hand, so most cases everyone works together to search both places!

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